Let me tell you a secret on how to experience a breakthrough in freelance writing. Only a handful of successful freelancers inside the business will likely share this tip. Probably, startups haven’t thought of it. Frankly, I haven’t thought of it before until I stumbled upon this powerful writing prompt. Whether you’re a newbie or a veteran, you’ll gain insight.Here’s the magic word. If you have followed my blog (I appreciate you much!), you’ll find yesterday’s writing prompt: “What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.” – Oscar Wilde.Freedictionary.com defines it as “a person who believes all people are motivated by selfishness.” Dictionary.com defines it as “a person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions and who disbelieves in or minimizes selfless acts or disinterested points of view.” My friend, the word slapped my face big time. I asked myself, “Am I motivated by selfishness? Why do I work? Why do I write? Why do I connect with influential people? Is it motivated by selfishness or is it because I simply want to make friends with them?”Most of the time, we are afraid to share our ideas. Knowledge speaks.I’m knowledgeable and an expert in my field (that’s what I thought, and I’m still learning more), but I realized that everything is meaningless if I don’t share them.The secret? Be selfless.Have a big heart. Share what you know. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas. Don’t be afraid to help fellow writers find big projects. Don’t be afraid to exert efforts to clients. Enough of the Grinch attitude. This is the information technology age. People seek reliable content.How credible are you to give as such? No selfish motives, just plain friendships and a cup of coffee maybe.Theodore Roosevelt said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”Integrity. Passion. Excellence.Give freely and be an inspiration to the tribe. Honestly, this is harder than I thought. Of course, laborers deserve the hard-earned wages, but is it all about the money? I see freelancing in an eagle’s vantage point. It’s a stepping stone, and I don’t believe in extremes.At some point, the scales of equality will manifest. Today, I choose to be selfless in what I do. I choose to give value to my work and to my clients. I choose to kindle the passion to write with excellence. I feel so good. This is a breakthrough.I’m beginning to see my trade in another level. Are you looking for an aspiring writer? Blogger? What are your challenges as a freelancer?Come on, pass the ball and hit the comment section below.