Don’t Aim for Spotlight, Aim for Experience

Seth Godin, one of my favorite authors, said, “Instead of cajoling your way into the spotlight, consider investing in the experience first.” The nugget of wisdom pierced my heart.As a writer, I seek attention of possible clients, publishers, and entrepreneurs. I thought that the only way to get on top is to work your way until you reach the peak. I embraced this principle and applied this to my freelance writing career.However, I realized that it would not always work that way.Here’s what I learned:You should stop seeking the attention and approval of others to find your real identity in writing.The moment you stop pleasing people, you are one step closer to your voice.Stop being someone you are not.The world is so complex. You should live in simplicity and contentment.If you’re a start-up freelancer or an aspiring writer, appreciate and be grateful where you are now. Learn from small things, and be faithful in all the tasks assigned to you. Your faithfulness in small things will reap an exceptional harvest in the right time.If you’re frustrated about writing, stop seeking attention of others and start writing.There’s no other way for you to be a better writer. The answer is simple. Start writing. Just write. Don’t aim for the spotlight. Someday, you’ll get there. For now, enjoy the experience.I tell you, it’s the best feeling.Finally, I found my voice.Are you having a hard time on your freelancing business? Give me a shout out or leave a comment below. Let’s talk about it.